Tom passed away November 26, 2018 from a stroke. Tom will truly be missed by his family and friends and his L.A. Roadster family. Tom has been an associate member of the club since July 2010. His club car is a 1932 Ford Roadster. He also owns a 1933 Ford 2-door Sedan, 1947 Ford Convertible, 2003 Ford Cobra Mustang and 2011 Ford Mustang GT. Tom is a Deputy Bailiff with the City of Columbus Municipal Court. He is also an NSRA Northern Ohio Representative. Tom is a widow. He has two sons and two grand children. He enjoys Ohio State Football, cars, and spending time with his family. What it means to be a member of the L. A. Roadsters: Being a member of the club is a dream come true. Such a historic club with all the tradition, with nice members and great roadsters.